
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), project leader

The group at ULB (Belgium), led by Cécile Thonar, studies soil microbiology and soil nutrient cycling and their interaction with plant genetics, management and climate. In FERTIGO, the group does lab screening of BNI capacity in plantain and studies the nitrogen stabilising effect of plantain. Hence, the main interest of the group is to understand how plantain can be used along with annual crops to reduce nitrogen losses. The group has been working with BNI for 5 years, in service crops as well as in wheat. The group is located in Brussels, Belgium, and with experiments around Gembloux in the Walloon part of Belgium.

Contact us

Cécile Thonar: cecile.thonar@ulb.be

Elsa Lagerquist: elsa.lagerquist@ulb.be

Website: Home | ae-ulb (agroecologie-ulb.net)

Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK)

The group at IPK Gatersleben (Germany), led by Nicolaus von Wirén and Ricardo Giehl, focuses on the uptake and transport of mineral elements and their effects on plant physiology and development. In the frame of FERTIGO we aim to develop plantain-based undersown crop mixtures as tool to improve N and P nutrition of the target spring crop maize. ​

Contact us

Nicolaus von Wirén: vonwiren@ipk-gatersleben.de

Ricardo Giehl: giehl@ipk-gatersleben.de

Website: Molecular Plant Nutrition – Leibniz-Institut (IPK) (ipk-gatersleben.de)

John Innes Centre

Details are coming…

Contact us

Tony Miller: tony.miller@jic.ac.uk

Acacia Simpson: acacia.simpson@jic.ac.uk



Details are coming…

Contact us

Bridget Lynch: bridget.lynch@teagasc.ie

Jake McLaughlin: jake.mclaughlin@teagasc.ie


University College Dublin

Details are coming…

Contact us

Gary Gillespie: gary.gillespie@ucd.ie

Zoe McKay: zoe.mckay@ucd.ie


Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech

The group “Plant Genetics and Rhizosphere Processes” (PGRP) at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (Belgium), led by Hervé Vanderschuren, hosts a team of researchers combining expertise in plant nutrition and plant molecular genetics.  In the frame of FERTIGO, the PGRP team aims to perform the plantain genotypes screening (WP2) and to be involved in field tests and incubation studies with organic fertilizers (WP4). ​

Contact us

Hervé Vanderschuren: herve.vanderschuren@uliege.be